Secondary Images

  • Hiya

    So, I know about this

    Importing Images and Attributes with Excel

    And it works great. I am just wondering is there a means of adding another attribute for secondary, or more images?

    I know that in Woopos itself there isn’t more than one image, but in the Webinfo part of a product, you can upload further images to Woocommerce. So I’m curious, is there a means of uploading images in a similar fashion but via excel?

    You can add more image attributes (select “image” as attribute type) and import these attributes from Excel.

    Adding New Attributes


    I added an image attribute (called it Image2) and selected the type as Image

    Do the boxes “for variation”, “for transaction item option”, “upload to web” etc make a difference?

    I selected “upload to web” and “web visible” because I assume those are self explanatory and I do want it online.

    Once I have done this, I upload the excel spreadsheet with the SKU and “Image2” as headers, and the relevent SKU and image path. But everytime I do this I get an error (which I have emailed to you) and a crash.

    Is there something I am doing incorrectly here?



    Don’t select “upload to web” and “web visible”, as these are not for image attribute.

    Okay this works now thanks.

    For anyone else reading this, it works for SKUs not uploaded to woocommerce yet and you can view the images in “Web info”, but will not work for products that are already linked.

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