Search For Search Home Knowledge Base General How to Change Windows Default Printer 1. Right click the windows button in the bottom left of your task bar and click “Control Panel” 2.... 0 2516 Adjusting Customer Points If you ever need to add/remove customer points without selling/returning an item, you can use a points SKU to make... 1 2481 Accessing the Setup Menu The Setup menu can be accessed by either selecting the Setup icon at the left side bar of the screen, or selecting... 0 2467 Checking Data Sync Status A) Data Sync between the Cloud Database and Local Database Go to: Setup, Cloud Sync -> select the server name... -1 2266 Shipping Label Printing and Shipment Tracking To print shipping labels, you need to register an account on ShipStation or Shippo, and set up carrier accounts. Generate API... 1 2241 Open CSV File in Excel What is a .csv file? CSV stands for Comma Separated Values. A CSV file is a plain text file that... 3 2228 Customization WooPOS is customizable and flexible to fit your retail business needs. The Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) model will help you to add... 0 2164 Special Attribute Catalogue Product Attributes ATTRIBUTE NAME ATTRIBUTE FORMAT PURPOSE Parent Sku Text Association to transfer quantity from parent SKU (package) to the... 0 2096 Accessing the Vendors Menu The Vendors menu can be accessed by either selecting the Vendors icon at the left sidebar or selecting it from... 1 2007 Accessing the Reports Menu The Reports menu can be accessed by either selecting the Reports icon at the left sidebar or selecting it from the Reports icon... 0 1957 Starting Sandbox Mode Sandbox mode is useful for learning and testing the WooPOS system without making unwanted changes to your main store database.... 2 1916 How to Complete Your Windows Updates on Windows 10 To install Windows Update on computers running Windows 10, do the following: 1. Press the Windows button to open the... 0 1735 Light and Dark Background Theme Log into the system, and then access the Setup menu. Select Light Background Theme or Dark Background Theme, and click Save button. Close... 0 1522 Age Verification Setup Age verification provides industries such as tobacco, vaping products, online gaming, weapon, and wine and spirits with a way to... 0 1369 Editing an Employee Time Card 1. To edit an employee’s time cards, Login into the system and select Time Card from home screen and Time Card Report from... -1 1345 Changing Your Password To change your password, select Change Password icon from Home screen. Step 1. Upon selecting this option, a... 0 1343 Custom Software Development Services WooPOS is a robust, highly customizable software platform that offers a tremendous amount of flexibility and customization options straight out... 0 1283 Acronyms Here are some acronyms that can be encountered in WooPOS as well as their translated values. ADJ: The history of total... 3 1249 Viewing Time Cards 1. To view your time cards, Login into the system and select Time Card from home screen and Time Card Report... 0 1176 Signing In and Out of Time Cards To keep track of your employees’ working hours for payroll, you can have them sign in at the beginning of... 1 1173 « Previous Page
How to Change Windows Default Printer 1. Right click the windows button in the bottom left of your task bar and click “Control Panel” 2.... 0 2516
Adjusting Customer Points If you ever need to add/remove customer points without selling/returning an item, you can use a points SKU to make... 1 2481
Accessing the Setup Menu The Setup menu can be accessed by either selecting the Setup icon at the left side bar of the screen, or selecting... 0 2467
Checking Data Sync Status A) Data Sync between the Cloud Database and Local Database Go to: Setup, Cloud Sync -> select the server name... -1 2266
Shipping Label Printing and Shipment Tracking To print shipping labels, you need to register an account on ShipStation or Shippo, and set up carrier accounts. Generate API... 1 2241
Open CSV File in Excel What is a .csv file? CSV stands for Comma Separated Values. A CSV file is a plain text file that... 3 2228
Customization WooPOS is customizable and flexible to fit your retail business needs. The Entity-Attribute-Value (EAV) model will help you to add... 0 2164
Special Attribute Catalogue Product Attributes ATTRIBUTE NAME ATTRIBUTE FORMAT PURPOSE Parent Sku Text Association to transfer quantity from parent SKU (package) to the... 0 2096
Accessing the Vendors Menu The Vendors menu can be accessed by either selecting the Vendors icon at the left sidebar or selecting it from... 1 2007
Accessing the Reports Menu The Reports menu can be accessed by either selecting the Reports icon at the left sidebar or selecting it from the Reports icon... 0 1957
Starting Sandbox Mode Sandbox mode is useful for learning and testing the WooPOS system without making unwanted changes to your main store database.... 2 1916
How to Complete Your Windows Updates on Windows 10 To install Windows Update on computers running Windows 10, do the following: 1. Press the Windows button to open the... 0 1735
Light and Dark Background Theme Log into the system, and then access the Setup menu. Select Light Background Theme or Dark Background Theme, and click Save button. Close... 0 1522
Age Verification Setup Age verification provides industries such as tobacco, vaping products, online gaming, weapon, and wine and spirits with a way to... 0 1369
Editing an Employee Time Card 1. To edit an employee’s time cards, Login into the system and select Time Card from home screen and Time Card Report from... -1 1345
Changing Your Password To change your password, select Change Password icon from Home screen. Step 1. Upon selecting this option, a... 0 1343
Custom Software Development Services WooPOS is a robust, highly customizable software platform that offers a tremendous amount of flexibility and customization options straight out... 0 1283
Acronyms Here are some acronyms that can be encountered in WooPOS as well as their translated values. ADJ: The history of total... 3 1249
Viewing Time Cards 1. To view your time cards, Login into the system and select Time Card from home screen and Time Card Report... 0 1176
Signing In and Out of Time Cards To keep track of your employees’ working hours for payroll, you can have them sign in at the beginning of... 1 1173