Internal notes cannot be printed on the invoice, it’s for internal use only, should not be visible to the customer. You can use invoice notes instead:
Another way is to create a NOTE SKU, name the SKU as NOTE, MEMO, or CUSTOMITEM, etc. Leave the description blank and price zero. And then sell this SKU and put the description(your notes) and price dynamically.
You cannot receive payment on quotation transaction. But you can use work order instead of quotation.
To receive deposit or payment:
Thanks for the suggestion. You can find the version number on the top of WooPOS screen. The version number is referring to the date YY.MM.DD.HH. You can get a list of updates and versions here.
For performance issue, WooPOS only loads top 500 Skus/Products by default. You can type any keywords (description, Sku, product number, etc) to search the products. Up to 500 Skus will be displayed if more than 500 Skus in the search result.
Alternatively, you can load all items by holding CTRL key, then click F5 Refresh button. This will bring you the full list of products instead of top 500 products.
In default (top 500) mode, the result for keywords searching is directly from the database.
In the full list mode, the result for keywords searching is from the listview(local memory, F5 refresh manually). You need to click the Search button or Shift-Enter key in order to search.
Did you click up and down buttons before you hit OK? Make sure you should print at least one copy of the invoice for selected printer(s).
For more information please check our knowledge base here:
As long as the user did not login in last calendar month, you won’t get billed for that user at the end of the month.